filipino party

Easier Rellenong Bangus (Using Boneless Milkfish)

Bangus (Milkfish) is the national fish of the Philippines. It has a mild taste (with a hint of sweetness) so it’s very versatile and can handle most cooking methods. The biggest deterrent though to this delicious-tasting fish, are the bones…. all 214 of them! Every bite (except the belly part) contains a few bones.  So …

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How To Do Your Own Boodle Fight (It’s Easier Than You Think)

Filipinos love celebrations. Be it a simple birthday of a family member, to welcome a balikbayan who has been away for ages or the endless Christmas parties during the holidays, there’s always something worth celebrating. Close family ties are a big part of Filipino culture and food always plays an integral role. Boodle Fight was …

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